tirsdag 5. oktober 2010

An Evening with Croquis/ Life drawing

Every Monday from 19:00 -21:00 at Arkitektenes Hus, Josefines gate 34, Oslo. 70kr for non-students, 50kr for students. It's really good practice. I haven't done this for a while and it's a bit of a challenge to capture a pose in 1 minute, but as I said, really good practice and very enjoyable. The atmosphere is very relaxed and anyone and everyone are welcome. There is also a session every Wednesday at Einar Granum kunstfagskole, Maridalsveien 17, Oslo.

3 kommentarer:

  1. Takk for nyttig informasjon, gleder meg til å gjenoppta croquis tegningen.

    MVH. Vemund

  2. Hi Lena,

    Thanks for the information in this post!

    Could you tell me if these drawing sessions still happen at the said location?

    I have been searching for places/studios in Oslo where people interested in painting/drawing just hang out and paint/draw, but have not been very successful. Any more information in this regard would be very helpful indeed.

    Thanks and regards,
